Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Book Review: Color Sense: Creative color Combinations for Crafters by Susan Levin

Color Sense is a wonderful book when you want to experiment with colors and add new combinations to your palate.  As a beader you can sometimes get into a rut and fall into using the same color schemes over and over again.  In steps this books so you can make your work exciting! 

This book not only includes a color wheel (see below), but has hundreds of pages of color combinations you can choose from as well.  If you have a color you don't know how to match up, thumbing through the pages of this book will give you many suggestions on how to combine it to make it pop.

The book is sectioned into monochromatic combinations, two-color combinations, three-color combinations, and four color combinations. There is also a section of color swatches you can tear out and play with to create different combinations before you buy.  If you want to experiment with color or just shake things up a bit in your work, then this book is definitely for you.

If your still confused about how to use the color wheel, then check out this quick tutorial by Auntie's Bead designer, Karla Schafer.

Happy Beading!

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